Monday, November 05, 2007

"Breaking Bread"

Copyright 2008 Turtel Onli, is available as an acquired gift to the right place of worship or to the right collector. It depicts Jesus sharing bread at Emmaus. It is a nontraditional acrylic Rhythmistic 1994 masterwork interpretation of a classic Christian themed painting by Rembrandt that is about 36" X 42" acrylic on canvas.
Religion and Art have had an amazing relationship throughout both of their histories.

Maybe you or yours could buy it for the church of your choice.???

Onli's Grandfather, the Rev. Samuel David Phillips, was a Pentecostal Pastor who pioneered creating a unique collection of charts to help his congregation in Chicago during the Great Migration of the early 20th Century to understand the many concepts in the Bible and of the Pentecost. His works can be viewed at .
To enlarge images simply click directly on them.
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